Wishing everyone great health and peace in their lives. ♥
Sunday, December 30, 2012
A New Year
As we move into 2013, remember to TRUST in the process of life to guide you to where you need to be.
Tuesday, December 25, 2012
Dhamma Brothers
It's not often I tell people how sensitive I am. But let's just say, after watching a documentary on the introduction of Vipassana Meditation to maximum security prisons in America - I ended up in tears. Not only due to the overwhelming gratitude I feel for the Dharma Network for introducing this practice to prisons, but also for the deep feeling of compassion and sorrow for the prisoners themselves.
This documentary conveys the very feelings I've had all my life, in regard to the dire need for compassion to be shown towards prisoners. The chance for rehabilitation, and forgiveness. To be treated humanely, with the understanding that we are more than our worst offense.
I'm the type of person that would enter a prison, sit down with a convicted murderer, listen to what he or she had to say completely free of judgment, instill compassion and hope within them, and leave with hug.
The world lacks an enormous amount of compassion, but is capable of so much more.
It has always upset me greatly.
This documentary conveys the very feelings I've had all my life, in regard to the dire need for compassion to be shown towards prisoners. The chance for rehabilitation, and forgiveness. To be treated humanely, with the understanding that we are more than our worst offense.
I'm the type of person that would enter a prison, sit down with a convicted murderer, listen to what he or she had to say completely free of judgment, instill compassion and hope within them, and leave with hug.
The world lacks an enormous amount of compassion, but is capable of so much more.
It has always upset me greatly.
Monday, November 19, 2012
Follow Your Joy
I woke up early this morning, having a total of approximately 2 hours sleep, give or take (wonderful insomnia), and felt compelled to share this message.
Follow your joy, do what you love, and surround yourself with positive, like minded & supportive people. Life's too short to do otherwise! Trust in the process of life and know it is leading you somewhere amazing. You are always supported ♥
And.... "always look on the bright side of life".
As we leave 2012 behind and merge into 2013, we should be letting go of all that does not serve our highest good anymore. Let go of old habits, thought patterns, and ways of living. Growth cannot happen otherwise. Move onto things that bring you closer to who you really are. Embrace brighter, better and more positive things. It's truly time to start living more consciously. In my mind, the evolution of the planet depends on it.
We are here to fulfill our passions. We are here to remember who we are at a soul level, and who we are is love. Divine love itself. Pure energy. We are here to be, not do.
It's time to start believing in yourself, and spread your joy. Do things that make you happy, bring out the best in others and in turn you will make yourself happy. Simple really :)
Love & light to you all
Follow your joy, do what you love, and surround yourself with positive, like minded & supportive people. Life's too short to do otherwise! Trust in the process of life and know it is leading you somewhere amazing. You are always supported ♥
And.... "always look on the bright side of life".
We are here to fulfill our passions. We are here to remember who we are at a soul level, and who we are is love. Divine love itself. Pure energy. We are here to be, not do.
It's time to start believing in yourself, and spread your joy. Do things that make you happy, bring out the best in others and in turn you will make yourself happy. Simple really :)
Love & light to you all
follow your joy,
Letting go,
Friday, September 14, 2012
Lightworkers & Life Purpose
It's become apparent to me that Lightworkers all over the world frequently get stuck on the "how" of their purpose.
We all know that Lightworkers are here to raise the consciousness of the planet, contribute good to the world, and serve others. We automatically know this deep down in our core. It's what drives us daily. So the "why" of it is easy. How we're meant to fulfill this is another question altogether, and one I find myself stuck on all too often.
However, I'm starting to realise that it's not what we do that counts, it's what we are, that counts.
We are automatically fulfilling our purpose just by being here, and being who we are. There is not usually any specific task that we're here to fulfill, it is who we are that counts.
Let me put it to you this way: You are made up of divine energy. You ARE love itself. We are not separate from the universe, from nature, from each other. We ARE spirit. We were put here on this planet to remember who we are. We are here to act in a way that is true to ourselves; our highest good. That is our purpose.
Think about it - how many times in your life have you been positively affected by small random acts of kindness, or love? Many, I'd hope. And as we're going about our daily business (DOING), we are constantly BEING. Contrary to what most might think, it is not the doing that matters. It never has been. It's the being that matters. Are we being kind hearted? Are we being true to ourselves, true to our real nature? Are we living consciously, and acting out of genuine love? We don't necessarily have to think 'how am I going to do good today?'... because when we see suffering, love moves in action through us. We do good because it's in our nature.
So ask yourself - what's special about you? What energy do you bring into this world just by being you?
Having a calling is about taking what you want to BE in your life and finding the most natural continuation of that which financially remunerates you.
Try not to get hung up about the 'doing' side of living. If you focus on the 'being' side of living - your path, your calling, will naturally fall into place.
We all know that Lightworkers are here to raise the consciousness of the planet, contribute good to the world, and serve others. We automatically know this deep down in our core. It's what drives us daily. So the "why" of it is easy. How we're meant to fulfill this is another question altogether, and one I find myself stuck on all too often.
However, I'm starting to realise that it's not what we do that counts, it's what we are, that counts.
We are automatically fulfilling our purpose just by being here, and being who we are. There is not usually any specific task that we're here to fulfill, it is who we are that counts.
Let me put it to you this way: You are made up of divine energy. You ARE love itself. We are not separate from the universe, from nature, from each other. We ARE spirit. We were put here on this planet to remember who we are. We are here to act in a way that is true to ourselves; our highest good. That is our purpose.
Think about it - how many times in your life have you been positively affected by small random acts of kindness, or love? Many, I'd hope. And as we're going about our daily business (DOING), we are constantly BEING. Contrary to what most might think, it is not the doing that matters. It never has been. It's the being that matters. Are we being kind hearted? Are we being true to ourselves, true to our real nature? Are we living consciously, and acting out of genuine love? We don't necessarily have to think 'how am I going to do good today?'... because when we see suffering, love moves in action through us. We do good because it's in our nature.
So ask yourself - what's special about you? What energy do you bring into this world just by being you?
Having a calling is about taking what you want to BE in your life and finding the most natural continuation of that which financially remunerates you.
Try not to get hung up about the 'doing' side of living. If you focus on the 'being' side of living - your path, your calling, will naturally fall into place.
Tuesday, September 4, 2012
Global Love Letters
What a wonderful idea - writing letters of love for complete strangers.
I had an idea similar to this, but involving magnets. The expense of it all made it a hard task for the idea to take off... but this is just so simple, you can't not do it! I don't know why I didn't think of it earlier.
I urge everyone to write a letter a day, or a letter a week, and leave it somewhere in public for another to pick up and read :) One small act of kindness can be huge positive impact for those that really need it. You may touch one persons life, or hundreds.
I had an idea similar to this, but involving magnets. The expense of it all made it a hard task for the idea to take off... but this is just so simple, you can't not do it! I don't know why I didn't think of it earlier.
I urge everyone to write a letter a day, or a letter a week, and leave it somewhere in public for another to pick up and read :) One small act of kindness can be huge positive impact for those that really need it. You may touch one persons life, or hundreds.
act of kindness,
love letters,
Saturday, July 28, 2012
Intuitive Experiences
The other week was the most recent example of my experience with intuition. The morning after a party, I was outside walking around with my camera and walked near my sister in law's dog. She (the dog) was laying down on the grass and I got an immediate sense that she was not 'quite' dead, but that she would "be" dead. I took a photo because I love taking photos, and thought I was being silly thinking how she looked "dead" when she was just laying there sleeping. My niece aged 7yrs, walked up to me and burst out with "she looks dead" (nice confirmation for my intuitive feelings at that moment). Of course being around a child I just said "no she's just sleeping".
The next day my sister in law contacts us to say her dog had died. Apparently she went lame, and they had to put her down.
Now this could very easily be passed off as just a coincidence, but I'm learning to realise that what I feel at the time, is intuition, and it's important to trust your feelings or sense of 'knowing'.
How many times have you thought of someone and the next moment that exact person calls you on the phone? Or how many times do you get a feeling of something not being right, or having a feeling that you shouldn't be somewhere or do something, when later it proves you correct? This is intuition. It's inbuilt in all of us.
I find that personally, my intuition grows stronger and occurs more frequently the older I get. This is partially due to the fact that I am naturally quite sensitive, and partially due to me being aware of this gift, and acknowledging it as often as I can whenever it occurs.
Here I'll share with you a select few of my intuitive moments. I will break them up in sections of dreams, voices, visions, and energy/feelings:
★ One late afternoon as the sun was setting, I was standing on the balcony of our apartment looking out towards the street. When I came back inside I had an eery feeling of something not being "right", and had a strong urge to light a candle and close the blinds (which I did immediately). I kept mentioning to my husband how strange the energy was that I was sensing. The next day we got a phone call letting us know that my husbands grandfather had passed away.
★ One morning upon waking, I had an overwhelming urge to stay in bed. Each time I wanted to get out of bed it felt as though my body would just not cooperate, and felt incredibly heavy. Energetically, I just didn't feel right, and felt more sensitive than usual. When I finally did get up, I let my husband know how I was feeling and specifically asked him to be extra gentle with me. I couldn't shake off the negative energy & 'off' feeling. I just knew something would take place that day.
As usual I thought I was being ridiculous, ignored what I was feeling, and proceeded to make plans for that day. We hopped in the car and started our drive on the highway. A short time later, traffic began to slow... and on the opposite side of the road a high speed car accident took place directly infront of us. Immediately all the negative energies I experienced earlier made sense. "Ah ha!" moment. Shaking that accident off, we continued driving at snails pace, still stuck in standstill traffic on our side of the road. Soon enough we witnessed an overturned car & trailer, with a seriously injured cow laying on the side of the road, wide eyed, and kicking it's legs in shock. It was horrific to see. Again, confirming the feelings I had earlier. I learnt then to always trust my intuition.
★ Whilst reading in bed, home alone, with my head flat on the pillow laying very still, I suddenly felt the pillow get pushed downwards to the right of my head, as if someone touched it or laid their hand on it. I felt an overwhelming feeling of calm, contentment, and protection. It was so lovely that I stopped reading and just laid there for 10 minutes absorbing the energy.
★ One night I had a dream that my cousin in law was pregnant. The following morning I let her know about my dream and asked her jokingly whether she was or not. Of course it was denied, but 3 months later when ready to tell the world, she told me that yes they had infact just found out they were pregnant a day beforehand.
★ At around age 13 when I was busy occupied with something or other, I heard a clear voice in my mind stating "you will be with a man with blue eyes". I was a little puzzled as it was so random, thinking it was my imagination, but after that somehow I just "knew". I would always tell my my mum and friends that I'm going to end up with someone who has blue eyes. When I met my now husband at 18, he was the one with the blue eyes. The minute I saw him it was the blue eyes that entranced me, and still does to this day. I went on & on about his "blue eyes" to my family and anyone that would listen, as it seemed so pivotal. Looking back, it's as though the eyes were a clear sign to me that this was the man I agreed to become life partners with.
★ One night after having just learned that my aunt was diagnosed with a brain tumour, I was laying in bed quietly reflecting on the news when I heard a voice in my mind say "She is going to die, now." It was very clear, calm, and matter of fact. Deep down I just knew. It was very confirming. She passed away very quickly almost 2 months later to the day.
★ I was working an office job, and whilst at the computer I suddenly got a flash (think movie reel vision) of myself in a hospital bed, holding a baby, with my husband sitting beside me leaning over the bed. I could see the room fairly clearly and the window was to the right of me.
★ The morning after my 27th birthday I was in bed after just having woken up, thinking about all the mundane things that had to be done that week, when I had a vision of a little blonde haired boy aged about 2 or 3, riding a tricycle directly towards me (as if I were the lens). I could see his face clearly and had the distinct impression of "perfection" as if he were my son.
★ One night I was laying quietly in bed reading a book next to my husband, when I heard a tiny creak of the door (it was closed), which was enough to make my head turn. I immediately saw a tiny but vibrant gold spark of light dart around the room near the bottom of the door, before it disappeared in what seemed like a split second.
★ During a meditation in my Reiki course, I saw a bright blue 'pearl of light' coming towards me in my mind's eye. Immediately after the meditation was over, I was left with an overwhelming sense, and extremely emotional knowing of having just been "home". I wanted nothing more than to go "back home", spiritually speaking.
Maybe you have had similar experiences to what I have listed here - if so, feel free to share your intuitive moments too! ❤
Wednesday, July 25, 2012
For all those beautiful, sensitive, emotional souls out there who from time to time get lost in this modern world by putting up a brave facade, subconsciously trying to be strong for all those around you ... don't forget to take time out in your day to stop and allow yourself to FEEL. Allow yourself to be the soft, sensitive, and emotional person that you are. It's so important to stay true to the nature you were born with, and acknowledge it's presence within yourself.
What happens when you don't? You end up harbouring negative and stagnant energy that just sits there in your body, accumulating until it manifests into all sorts of nasty things like tension and illness. Your body will most likely feel heavy and weighed down. And mentally you might just feel confused or "off", like something isn't right. That's your body's way of telling you "hello! you're not being the person that you are supposed to be. stop and let yourself feel. Let yourself be sensitive and emotional. Be soft. It's OK."
What happens when you don't? You end up harbouring negative and stagnant energy that just sits there in your body, accumulating until it manifests into all sorts of nasty things like tension and illness. Your body will most likely feel heavy and weighed down. And mentally you might just feel confused or "off", like something isn't right. That's your body's way of telling you "hello! you're not being the person that you are supposed to be. stop and let yourself feel. Let yourself be sensitive and emotional. Be soft. It's OK."
Music Therapy
The modern lifestyle is a hectic one. When you're feeling overwhelmed, frazzled, tense, stressed, or weary.. you will eventually need an outlet. Enter - Music.
Music can be incredibly therapeutic. How many times have you heard a song and been instantly uplifted, soothed, or moved to tears? Music has been proven to be capable of raising or lowering the pulse, respiration and blood pressure. Not only does it raise our energy levels and improve moods, we unconsciously synchronize our breathing to the beat of the music.
So the next time you feel you need to unwind or release blocked or trapped negative energy within your body, put on some music. Not just any music... I'm going to encourage you to use a little intuition with this one. Select music based on your mood. Ask yourself "what song do I really want to hear right now?" Play it. Once that song is over, ask yourself again "what song do I feel I need to hear right now to release blocked or negative energy?" Play it. Keep asking yourself "what do I need to hear?", song after song, and over the course of natural progression you will hopefully begin to feel much lighter and free within your body, heart, and mind.
It's really quite amazing how something as simple and profound as music, can naturally release negative or stagnant energy within oneself.
I'll leave you with a wonderful quote that rings true.
Music can be incredibly therapeutic. How many times have you heard a song and been instantly uplifted, soothed, or moved to tears? Music has been proven to be capable of raising or lowering the pulse, respiration and blood pressure. Not only does it raise our energy levels and improve moods, we unconsciously synchronize our breathing to the beat of the music.
So the next time you feel you need to unwind or release blocked or trapped negative energy within your body, put on some music. Not just any music... I'm going to encourage you to use a little intuition with this one. Select music based on your mood. Ask yourself "what song do I really want to hear right now?" Play it. Once that song is over, ask yourself again "what song do I feel I need to hear right now to release blocked or negative energy?" Play it. Keep asking yourself "what do I need to hear?", song after song, and over the course of natural progression you will hopefully begin to feel much lighter and free within your body, heart, and mind.
It's really quite amazing how something as simple and profound as music, can naturally release negative or stagnant energy within oneself.
I'll leave you with a wonderful quote that rings true.
"Music washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life"
Tuesday, July 24, 2012
Help Yourself
I know so many people that have not yet discovered their passions, and lack direction and purpose in life. I came across this blog with a set of questions that could help you reconnect with what is meaningful to you :)
Live on Purpose - 15 Questions
Live on Purpose - 15 Questions
The most important thing anyone can do with their time on Earth is to do what makes you happy. Recognise your talents and passions and utilize them! Everyone will be better off because you have stayed true to yourself.
Monday, July 23, 2012
Wake Up Sydney!
I encourage anyone in Sydney passionate about kindness to join the wonderful community http://www.wakeupsydney.com.au
There are kindness cards you can order (for free) to begin your baby steps towards making life easier for someone else, and create a domino effect.
Wake Up Sydney also hold wonderful events and talk sessions that are inspiring and uplifting.
There are kindness cards you can order (for free) to begin your baby steps towards making life easier for someone else, and create a domino effect.
Wake Up Sydney also hold wonderful events and talk sessions that are inspiring and uplifting.
Monday, July 9, 2012
A Weekend Retreat for your Soul
If you're looking for some inspiration or simply something to do - held in Melbourne and Sydney, Australia, is this year's "I Can Do It, 2012!" conference. Featuring Authors:
The conference will be held over two days. Tickets are available for individual days, or the entire weekend.
Book @ http://www.icandoit.net/ or Hay House
See you there! :)
- Louise L. Hay
- Gregg Braden
- Neale Donald Walsch
- Dr. Wayne W. Dyer
- Cheryl Richardson
- Doreen Virtue
- Marianne Williamson
- Robert Holden, Ph.D.
- Bruce H. Lipton, Ph.D.
- Caroline Myss
The conference will be held over two days. Tickets are available for individual days, or the entire weekend.
Book @ http://www.icandoit.net/ or Hay House
See you there! :)
Wednesday, July 4, 2012
Monday, May 21, 2012
Natural Stress Relievers - Yoga & Reiki
In our fast paced modern world, it seems more and more people are suffering from stress, anxiety, anger, and constant streams of endless thoughts. Sometimes it can be hard to get rid of these nagging emotions. We either don't know how to, so we ignore it & carry on by escaping via excessive use of television and games, or we may turn to alcohol & drugs - leaving negative & stagnant energy in our body resulting in illness.
One simple way of ridding blocked or built up energy in our body, and clearing our mind of thoughts is by taking part in Yoga, or gentle stretching. It's a natural alternative, and it can be done in your own home or backyard. You don't need to follow any specific guidelines, rather, go with your intuition and listen to what your body wants. It doesn't matter how you stretch, or what part of your body you choose to focus on, just make sure that you feel the release of pent up energy with every movement or position, and that you feel relaxed and calm. Don't rush yourself, as that will only add to any existing pressure and stress. I personally find it more beneficial to hold each stretching position for as long as possible, until I naturally feel ready to move on.
Another great alternative which I like to incorporate into my stretching is Reiki. Once you are done stretching your body, feel free to lay down and focus on your breath. Using your hands, place them over a part of your body that you feel drawn to, and visualise white healing light coming in through the top of your head and out through your hands. You can rest them gently on your body, or hold your hands slightly above your body - whatever feels comfortable and natural.
What this does is not only calm your mind and slow your thoughts, but it also removes energy blocks by inducing a deep state of relaxation, which triggers the body's own natural ability to heal itself.
I find that meditation is often a natural progression once I have stretched and relaxed, so a person will often end with a deep feeling of stillness, serenity, appreciation and gratefulness. This means that Ego has well and truly disappeared, and you are enjoying simply just "being" - how your life should be experienced.
There are no time frames... you can stretch & relax yourself for 2 minutes or 1 hour +. The longer the better, of course.
All that we seek is within ourselves. When our thoughts are made absent, when we are still, centered, calm and present - this is what it means to be "at one" with oneself. This is how life should be experienced. We are powerful and limitless beyond measure ♥
One simple way of ridding blocked or built up energy in our body, and clearing our mind of thoughts is by taking part in Yoga, or gentle stretching. It's a natural alternative, and it can be done in your own home or backyard. You don't need to follow any specific guidelines, rather, go with your intuition and listen to what your body wants. It doesn't matter how you stretch, or what part of your body you choose to focus on, just make sure that you feel the release of pent up energy with every movement or position, and that you feel relaxed and calm. Don't rush yourself, as that will only add to any existing pressure and stress. I personally find it more beneficial to hold each stretching position for as long as possible, until I naturally feel ready to move on.
Another great alternative which I like to incorporate into my stretching is Reiki. Once you are done stretching your body, feel free to lay down and focus on your breath. Using your hands, place them over a part of your body that you feel drawn to, and visualise white healing light coming in through the top of your head and out through your hands. You can rest them gently on your body, or hold your hands slightly above your body - whatever feels comfortable and natural.
What this does is not only calm your mind and slow your thoughts, but it also removes energy blocks by inducing a deep state of relaxation, which triggers the body's own natural ability to heal itself.
I find that meditation is often a natural progression once I have stretched and relaxed, so a person will often end with a deep feeling of stillness, serenity, appreciation and gratefulness. This means that Ego has well and truly disappeared, and you are enjoying simply just "being" - how your life should be experienced.
There are no time frames... you can stretch & relax yourself for 2 minutes or 1 hour +. The longer the better, of course.
All that we seek is within ourselves. When our thoughts are made absent, when we are still, centered, calm and present - this is what it means to be "at one" with oneself. This is how life should be experienced. We are powerful and limitless beyond measure ♥
Sunday, May 6, 2012
Soul Lesson
You are perfect, whole, and complete.
Your body is an exquisite masterpiece molded just for you.
Your mind is a wonderful puzzle meant to tantalize your senses and awaken your deepest desires.
Your thoughts provide the seeds to nurture your greatest potential.
You don’t have to prove anything, justify anything, give up anything, take on anything.
You don’t have to shut down to protect, overextend yourself to be accepted, give yourself up to be loved.
You are a gift to this world, a rare gem to be cherished.
From the day you were birthed into this world, you had a purpose… to learn to shed the layers of armor… to expose your heart… to love and be loved… to remember.
You are perfect, whole, and complete.
Your body is an exquisite masterpiece molded just for you.
Your mind is a wonderful puzzle meant to tantalize your senses and awaken your deepest desires.
Your thoughts provide the seeds to nurture your greatest potential.
You don’t have to prove anything, justify anything, give up anything, take on anything.
You don’t have to shut down to protect, overextend yourself to be accepted, give yourself up to be loved.
You are a gift to this world, a rare gem to be cherished.
From the day you were birthed into this world, you had a purpose… to learn to shed the layers of armor… to expose your heart… to love and be loved… to remember.
You are perfect, whole, and complete.
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
Something I'm noticing, is that the older I get the more sensitive I get. Now, I've always been a sensitive person. As a child I've always been highly emotional, right through until the present. But these days I'm becoming sensitive in a different way. I'm now sensitive in a way where I notice the beauty in the world ten fold. I feel the energy of nature so deeply it gives me tingles and am incredibly deep feeling of appreciation. I pick up the subtle energies present in a room, I have moments where I feel extreme gratitude for this life that I lead, and for the people in it. It consumes my entire body and heartspace. When I listen to music it feels as if my whole soul soars into the deep spaces of the universe.
I can cry at the drop of a hat, and not due to unhappiness, due to pure gratitude, appreciation, and love for the universe and everything in it.
We are such miracles, each and every one of us. Nature is beyond anything we could ever conceive in our minds. We are capable of so much more than anyone (including ourselves) gives us credit for. I'm talking about courage, passion, compassion, gentleness, love, growth, forgiveness, empathy, and more.
I'll admit, I'm overwhelmed by life a lot of the time. Both positively and negatively. It can get a little crazy when I wonder to myself "can I get anymore sensitive than I already am?" "where does this level of sensitivity stop?" "what if it doesn't stop, and I am plunged into a world of sensitivity where I can't cope anymore?" - but common sense takes over and I realise it's OK. I came here blessed with these traits, and I was born to feel deeply, and use this as my strength.
On occasion I feel like running down the street shouting something to the likes of "life is beautiful, open your eyes, can't you see?" We spend so much of our time plunged into the depths of our mind, our thoughts, our selfishness, focused on money, work, cars, politics. Endlessly criticizing ourselves and others, judging one another like it's a completely normal and sane thing to do. It's Insane.
We completely miss the simple things that ARE us, and surround us on a daily basis. The fresh air, the flowers, the trees, the birds singing, the feeling of grass on our bare feet, the beauty and strength and love that each and every one of us possess. The loving and divine energy that is around us every second of every day of our Earthly life. Soothing melodies and inspiration that comes from music, and if we sit still long enough to notice - the silence and inner peace and stillness that lies within us all. The heart of who we are. Our soul. Our being. Our essence.
Wake up people! You are incredibly blessed, you are love, you are filled with light and abundant energy. Go outside and smell the fresh air, use your compassion and sensitivity and go out and help those less fortunate than you, go practice random acts of kindness to those you love, or complete strangers. Notice the feeling you get from it. Absorb it and savour it deeply. Life is short. It can be hard, but only as hard as you make it. Think simply. Think selflessness. Think love. Pure white energy. And most importantly, develop your sensitivity. It's not a curse, as society so desperately wants us to believe. It's the most amazing blessing anyone can ever have. Open yourself up, brighten your senses. Don't allow yourself to become guarded, dull and lifeless.
Shine! Shine your light onto others and let them breathe a little easier because you have lived.
I can cry at the drop of a hat, and not due to unhappiness, due to pure gratitude, appreciation, and love for the universe and everything in it.
We are such miracles, each and every one of us. Nature is beyond anything we could ever conceive in our minds. We are capable of so much more than anyone (including ourselves) gives us credit for. I'm talking about courage, passion, compassion, gentleness, love, growth, forgiveness, empathy, and more.
I'll admit, I'm overwhelmed by life a lot of the time. Both positively and negatively. It can get a little crazy when I wonder to myself "can I get anymore sensitive than I already am?" "where does this level of sensitivity stop?" "what if it doesn't stop, and I am plunged into a world of sensitivity where I can't cope anymore?" - but common sense takes over and I realise it's OK. I came here blessed with these traits, and I was born to feel deeply, and use this as my strength.

We completely miss the simple things that ARE us, and surround us on a daily basis. The fresh air, the flowers, the trees, the birds singing, the feeling of grass on our bare feet, the beauty and strength and love that each and every one of us possess. The loving and divine energy that is around us every second of every day of our Earthly life. Soothing melodies and inspiration that comes from music, and if we sit still long enough to notice - the silence and inner peace and stillness that lies within us all. The heart of who we are. Our soul. Our being. Our essence.
Wake up people! You are incredibly blessed, you are love, you are filled with light and abundant energy. Go outside and smell the fresh air, use your compassion and sensitivity and go out and help those less fortunate than you, go practice random acts of kindness to those you love, or complete strangers. Notice the feeling you get from it. Absorb it and savour it deeply. Life is short. It can be hard, but only as hard as you make it. Think simply. Think selflessness. Think love. Pure white energy. And most importantly, develop your sensitivity. It's not a curse, as society so desperately wants us to believe. It's the most amazing blessing anyone can ever have. Open yourself up, brighten your senses. Don't allow yourself to become guarded, dull and lifeless.
Shine! Shine your light onto others and let them breathe a little easier because you have lived.
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