Monday, November 19, 2012

Follow Your Joy

I woke up early this morning, having a total of approximately 2 hours sleep, give or take (wonderful insomnia), and felt compelled to share this message.

Follow your joy, do what you love, and surround yourself with positive, like minded & supportive people. Life's too short to do otherwise! Trust in the process of life and know it is leading you somewhere amazing. You are always supported
And.... "always look on the bright side of life".

light, happiness

As we leave 2012 behind and merge into 2013, we should be letting go of all that does not serve our highest good anymore. Let go of old habits, thought patterns, and ways of living. Growth cannot happen otherwise. Move onto things that bring you closer to who you really are. Embrace brighter, better and more positive things. It's truly time to start living more consciously. In my mind, the evolution of the planet depends on it.

We are here to fulfill our passions. We are here to remember who we are at a soul level, and who we are is love. Divine love itself. Pure energy. We are here to be, not do.

It's time to start believing in yourself, and spread your joy. Do things that make you happy, bring out the best in others and in turn you will make yourself happy. Simple really :)  

Love & light to you all