I can cry at the drop of a hat, and not due to unhappiness, due to pure gratitude, appreciation, and love for the universe and everything in it.
We are such miracles, each and every one of us. Nature is beyond anything we could ever conceive in our minds. We are capable of so much more than anyone (including ourselves) gives us credit for. I'm talking about courage, passion, compassion, gentleness, love, growth, forgiveness, empathy, and more.
I'll admit, I'm overwhelmed by life a lot of the time. Both positively and negatively. It can get a little crazy when I wonder to myself "can I get anymore sensitive than I already am?" "where does this level of sensitivity stop?" "what if it doesn't stop, and I am plunged into a world of sensitivity where I can't cope anymore?" - but common sense takes over and I realise it's OK. I came here blessed with these traits, and I was born to feel deeply, and use this as my strength.

We completely miss the simple things that ARE us, and surround us on a daily basis. The fresh air, the flowers, the trees, the birds singing, the feeling of grass on our bare feet, the beauty and strength and love that each and every one of us possess. The loving and divine energy that is around us every second of every day of our Earthly life. Soothing melodies and inspiration that comes from music, and if we sit still long enough to notice - the silence and inner peace and stillness that lies within us all. The heart of who we are. Our soul. Our being. Our essence.
Wake up people! You are incredibly blessed, you are love, you are filled with light and abundant energy. Go outside and smell the fresh air, use your compassion and sensitivity and go out and help those less fortunate than you, go practice random acts of kindness to those you love, or complete strangers. Notice the feeling you get from it. Absorb it and savour it deeply. Life is short. It can be hard, but only as hard as you make it. Think simply. Think selflessness. Think love. Pure white energy. And most importantly, develop your sensitivity. It's not a curse, as society so desperately wants us to believe. It's the most amazing blessing anyone can ever have. Open yourself up, brighten your senses. Don't allow yourself to become guarded, dull and lifeless.
Shine! Shine your light onto others and let them breathe a little easier because you have lived.