Friday, September 14, 2012

Lightworkers & Life Purpose

It's become apparent to me that Lightworkers all over the world frequently get stuck on the "how" of their purpose.

We all know that Lightworkers are here to raise the consciousness of the planet, contribute good to the world, and serve others. We automatically know this deep down in our core. It's what drives us daily. So the "why" of it is easy. How we're meant to fulfill this is another question altogether, and one I find myself stuck on all too often.

However, I'm starting to realise that it's not what we do that counts, it's what we are, that counts.
We are automatically fulfilling our purpose just by being here, and being who we are.  There is not usually any specific task that we're here to fulfill, it is who we are that counts.

Let me put it to you this way: You are made up of divine energy. You ARE love itself. We are not separate from the universe, from nature, from each other. We ARE spirit. We were put here on this planet to remember who we are. We are here to act in a way that is true to ourselves; our highest good. That is our purpose.
Think about it - how many times in your life have you been positively affected by small random acts of kindness, or love? Many, I'd hope. And as we're going about our daily business (DOING), we are constantly BEING. Contrary to what most might think, it is not the doing that matters. It never has been. It's the being that matters. Are we being kind hearted? Are we being true to ourselves, true to our real nature? Are we living consciously, and acting out of genuine love? We don't necessarily have to think 'how am I going to do good today?'... because when we see suffering, love moves in action through us. We do good because it's in our nature.

So ask yourself - what's special about you? What energy do you bring into this world just by being you?
Having a calling is about taking what you want to BE in your life and finding the most natural continuation of that which financially remunerates you.

Try not to get hung up about the 'doing' side of living. If you focus on the 'being' side of living - your path, your calling, will naturally fall into place.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Global Love Letters

What a wonderful idea - writing letters of love for complete strangers.

I had an idea similar to this, but involving magnets. The expense of it all made it a hard task for the idea to take off... but this is just so simple, you can't not do it! I don't know why I didn't think of it earlier.

I urge everyone to write a letter a day, or a letter a week, and leave it somewhere in public for another to pick up and read :) One small act of kindness can be huge positive impact for those that really need it. You may touch one persons life, or hundreds.